inkivääri nopeus avatar core
tekstuuri fiktiivinen syn/koop/pi core
tanssi itselle tanssin syttyminen core
pitkän askeleen pilvi core
b r e a kbeat neliö kori kore
~ wonky sivuverho core ~
kummitus core tilaan ryntäys core
CORE is a commissioned piece for TaDaC collective, formed by the second year MA students of Dance Performance in University of the Arts Helsinki. TaDaC is the artistic part of the Master’s thesis for the graduating dancers.
Choreography: Emmi Venna with dancers
Light and spatial design: Erno Aaltonen
Costume design: Hanne Jurmu
Sound design: Ville Kabrell
Choreographic dialogue: Mira Kautto
Dancers: Iiris Laakso, Elisa Lejeune, Verna Nordlund, Veera Snellman, Suvi Kelloniemi, Maria Mäkelä, Terhi Hartikainen
Trailer: Aino Autere
CORE was performed in Zodiak Stage between 10th and 12th of August, 2021. The original premiere and the tour dates for 2021 were cancelled due to the pandemic.